Another copy-pasta from my ANN forum post on Horou Musuko (Wandering Son).
Haven't found anything confusing yet, but I heard people complain about the way it started (compressing 40 manga chapters into 15 minutes.) Though I haven't read the manga, I actually like this start.
Episode 1:
I'm really loving this atm, I already sense a lot of drama going on and I can see the troubles the characters are facing. The music was great, giving off a calm mood to the viewers. And I really like how each character interacts so far, mainly the dialogue between the friends. I found the self introduction scene to be the most powerful part of the episode, revealing the tension between the characters. I'm going to say this probably has the best start out of all the Winter 2011 animes that aired so far.
13-Jan-2011 22:05:23