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fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 13,998 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for the tips Jesse. I'm definately not buying any new series, they're expensive indeed. I saw that Haibane Renmei, which is one of my favourite series, is currently on sale, so I'll probably buy that one first.
Okay, I just saw two new first episodes. I think I can call them both bizarre, one in a positive way and the other one in a negative way.
Firstly: Beelzebub. I was curious about this one, because I saw that it was highly anticipated by many. The first few minutes I thought "what the hell (sorry for the lame word joke) am I watching".
Like you said, I think Yuri's quote "Just accept things as they are" also works perfectly for this one, don't try to be rational and then it's funny as hell (sorry, couldn't resist).
Secondly: "Onii-chan no Koto nan*a Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!!"
Let me get this clear: do NOT watch this if you're not into brother-sister relationships. Yuri, I can be flexible, but only to a certain extent. :P This is just too insane; you only have to watch the first minute to see what I mean.
If you want to watch an anime about a brother and sister who DON'T want to sleep together like in this series ( O_o ), go watch "Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai", one of my favourite series of last season.
Why do they both have such a long title? :P

09-Jan-2011 07:55:16 - Last edited on 09-Jan-2011 08:03:38 by TechEngineer

Jesse B77

Jesse B77

Posts: 16,070 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not a clue, maybe its a new trend to give series like that long titles. My first thought when OreImo was released was "Wow...long title".
Its kinda funny though, when you think how many brotherXsister shows have been in the last few seasons. Really almost feels like their doing it intentionally just to give Ishihara the finger :P
BTW, does anyone have any idea which series Mazui are planning on subbing this season? they haven't made any announcement on their site, so im wondering if they are just gonna stick with doing index.

09-Jan-2011 09:47:50

B Boy Rock

B Boy Rock

Posts: 11,930 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think you need to ask them that Jesse. I didn't even know they existed till now. O_o Maybe if you know how to use it you should try their (I)RC channel. You'll have to find it yourself though, it look a bit of looking for me to get it. The people in there should help though.

09-Jan-2011 10:24:46

Jesse B77

Jesse B77

Posts: 16,070 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
More than likley, just hoped that someone had heard something on the grapevine.
I reckon their probably the one of the best sub groups. They dont sub a lot of anime though, usually its just what they think will be the best anime of the season, though they did both index and OreImo last season.
Even better, they sub really fast without having to resort to crunchy roll subtitles. They had Angel Beats subbed and ready to download about 12 hours after it aired in japan, twas great.
But yeah, Ive never been able to work (I)RC out. Ive tried to figure it out many times but it still utterly mystifies me.
Ah well, ill just wait and see.

09-Jan-2011 11:00:01 - Last edited on 09-Jan-2011 11:12:05 by Jesse B77

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 13,998 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not fond of !RC either. But honestly I don't pay much attention to whoever subs it, I don't know any Japanese so I won't know if their translation is good or bad. ;) The only sub group I disliked last season was the one who subbed Arakawa under the Bridge x Bridge, for example I had to wait a whole week for episode 12 to be subbed. The other series were subbed pretty quick.

09-Jan-2011 11:57:07 - Last edited on 09-Jan-2011 11:57:30 by TechEngineer

Jesse B77

Jesse B77

Posts: 16,070 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I didnt know any japanese initially either, ive learned a lot just through watching anime. Its still not at conversational, level, but it allows me to look away from the screen for a little while and still understand the gist of whats being said.
If you pay attention to the group, you eventually figure out which ones are the best and so i usually try to go for them. My preferred groups are:
-Hatsyuki (or something like that)

If i cant have any of them, ill go for
I pretty much avoid Horrible and Crunchysubs at all cost, unless its a comedy series in which case it dosnet really matter who i choose.

09-Jan-2011 13:12:14 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2011 23:57:57 by Jesse B77

B Boy Rock

B Boy Rock

Posts: 11,930 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I try any pay attention to groups but my internet's to crappy to keep up with much new stuff that's being subbed. Heard of all those groups but UTW. Only really use gg and ss though.
I hate HS/CR too, they've killed so many fansubbing groups and now shows like Fairy Tail take nearly a week to get subbed... The best group that subs it, Kyuubi don't even do that great too. :(
You should add me in game Jesse, that is if you get in game much?

09-Jan-2011 13:33:05 - Last edited on 09-Jan-2011 13:54:35 by B Boy Rock

Jesse B77

Jesse B77

Posts: 16,070 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok, ill do that. Im not a big player of RS, i mostly get on just to do new updates these days . That said, i use funorb nearly every day so...

Just watche the first episode of Oniichan no Koto Nan*a Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne (for which we seriously need a OreImo-esque shortened name).
Big steaming pile of meh. Pretty much exactly what i expected from the description right down to the amnesia.
Story is meh, art is meh, character designs are lanky and weird looking, pretty much the only reason to keep watching this would be if your into striped pantsu fanservice (which im not).

09-Jan-2011 14:26:16 - Last edited on 09-Jan-2011 14:29:31 by Jesse B77

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 13,998 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is anyone watching Bakuman (not Bakugan)? I love this series, episode 14 was really great. I really wouldn't expect it to be from the same mangaka as Death Note. Well... there were a few references in ep. 1. :P

09-Jan-2011 14:42:16

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