Figured I'd post some pics of some of the stuff I've bought the past few months.
Ore wa Lolicon Janai volume one by URAN. (also got the Melonbooks tapestry with it.)
Mado Nano Crossover tanks 1&2 by bun150 (was really lucky to get these, only had one comiket release each 86, 2014, and 90, 2016 respectively.)
Rest in Peace and You tankubouns by Kirerro. Fell in love with their stuff when I read a partial translation of Rest in Peace, so I jumped at the chance to get a physical copy of it.
Another doujin by Kirrero.
Bladedance DVD. Finally got it when it was on sale.
Some Akatsuki Records music CD's I'd ordered.The one in the paper sleeve was the Booth Omake disc. Not exactly anime but eh.
Kiba Volume 2. Want to get volume 1, but trying to find it is hard.
Venus Versus Virus Drama CD. This one was a surprise find, but with how much I love the series, I knew I had to get it. Luckily I was able to get it for only 10 dollars.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
If anyones still waiting on Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul to be finally released, well it looks like HiDive is going to be holding a special screening of it on September 18th and theres going to be both subbed and dubbed versions.
Draco Burnz
Like said above, we did get an announcement but the date is still TBD:
I mean Season two and three were announced back when it aired. So not anything new there.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Jack Flac
I mean Season two and three were announced back when it aired. So not anything new there.
Sure, but from what ive heard through the grapvine is that the reason they announced S2 & 3 together is due to the fact S2 might be 1 cour and S3 is also going to be 1 cour.
Thus they plan on releasing them like they are for slime iseaki s2 where the 2 parts are 1 season apart.
So while we might not get 2 more seasons of 24eps each, at least they are getting worked on pretty much the same time.
Well it seems like a certain anime that got taken down off of Funi, if you know the one then
, is getting a BD release exclusively by RightStuf some point in 2021.
So if you want to be able to watch it legally, thats going to be the only way.
Draco Burnz
Well it seems like a certain anime that got taken down off of Funi, if you know the one then
, is getting a BD release exclusively by RightStuf some point in 2021.
So if you want to be able to watch it legally, thats going to be the only way.
At least in the US.
Yeah, saw that. Just wish they'd put out a dvd as well. Blurays are crap.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.