Bakugan's pretty good, but it terms of what was actually produced in Japan, Only Battle Brawlers and the first half of New Vestroia. Everything else was produced outside.
I will say though, it gets pretty weird in Mechtagon Mayhem, which is the last series.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Jack Flac
Bakugan's pretty good, but it terms of what was actually produced in Japan, Only Battle Brawlers and the first half of New Vestroia. Everything else was produced outside.
I will say though, it gets pretty weird in Mechtagon Mayhem, which is the last series.
Thank you for the information; I am currently on episode 48 of the first season. After I finish, I will take a break from Bakugan and watch a season of Yu-Gi-Oh. Likely going to alternate between the two.
Also, does anybody else here remember Duel Masters? Y'know, the blatant attempt to cash in on Yu-Gi-Oh's popularity where characters broke the fourth wall all the time?
Well, when it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh, I'd suggest the sub for a few reasons, one being that 4Kids cut out quite a bit, as in an entire season in GX, as well as changing the ending in 5Ds. Also, Xexal is pretty bad in my opinion. You should watch it for continuities sake I guess, but don't go in expecting too much.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Jack Flac
Well, when it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh, I'd suggest the sub for a few reasons, one being that 4Kids cut out quite a bit, as in an entire season in GX, as well as changing the ending in 5Ds. Also, Xexal is pretty bad in my opinion. You should watch it for continuities sake I guess, but don't go in expecting too much.
I was honestly only intending on watching the original Duel Monsters series.
Haven't heard good things about the recent Berserk anime. I was never the biggest fan of the series to begin with. I'm interested in Koei's upcoming Berserk game though.
Rewatching Monogatari for the hundredth plus time. I also watched the first ten or so episodes of Gundam Build Fighters, it has been alright so far.
After episode three of Flip Flappers I've been itching for more of it. Loved that episode so much.