
Lets hello on fridays.

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Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,616 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tuffty said :
Sign it you never know it might work if enough support it.

Can't do any harm.

Going to miss this thread the most. I can't say much more way too upset. :(

That is certainly true, Tuffty. The only effort guaranteed to fail is the one not taken.

We may well not succeed in getting Jagex to come to its collective senses and reverse their idiotic decision to shut down the RSOF, but by Guthix they will know we are not happy!

Take good care, Forum Legend. Thank you for everything. Guthix be with you and yours.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF! 278-279-95-66293045

19-Jan-2024 19:43:20

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,616 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, it looks like this is the last time to say:

Hello 'Scapers. It is Friday...the final Friday for forums. :(

I have no gains to report. In fact, my time spent in-game continues to decrease. I do my dailies and that's really it. Never before in my nearly 20 years here have I been less motivated to play this once great game. Ultimately, it was never really Jagex or their updates that made this game special.

It was you. Each of you wonderful 'Scapers from around the world who came together to eplore this world of Gielinor together. In between our explorations, we could get together on the RSOF to share details of our amazing victories, our crushing defeats, and our silliest noob moments. Whether we were actively posting, or simply lurking, we could come to the RSOF to learn about new content, suggest game changes, find help with quests, read stories, or just chill with friends. We could discuss lore, find a clan, receive account or technical help, contact other players about buying/selling/trading rare items, and even play forum games.

With the removal of the RSOF, all of that essentially will also be taken away. Third-party social media echo chambers are no worthy replacement for our forums, and never will be.

Do not bother looking for me on those sites. I will not be there. I am on FB, if you know where to find me, but that's it.

Over the years, I have praised Jagex when I thought they deserved it. I have also been critical of the company when I felt that they made a mistake. As far as I am concerned, removing our beloved and historic forums is the stupidest, most boneheaded blunder Jage has ever considered. The original Wildy/Free Trade removal will drop to #2. Sure, Jagex could change their minds - but just like my desire for gametime, my confidence in this company to do right by their players has never been lower.

A huge special thank you to all the terrific 'Scapers I have met along my journey, both in-game and here. You will be missed.

Aslon Dak
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF! 278-279-95-66293045

19-Jan-2024 20:46:28

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,616 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh, and there will be more RS songs coming to General before everything goes to hell.

Don't say you weren't warned. :P

I don't know if Trewavas is saving his RuneScapian Rhapsody thread, but I already have copies of all my parodies saved.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF! 278-279-95-66293045

19-Jan-2024 20:53:54

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,616 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Right, one last thing to do on this final Forum Friday:

Special larger-than-Liverpool thanks to Scouse for having this thread, continuing his Happy Friday tradition - another longtime feature of the RSOF which will be missed.

Take good care, mate. I wish you a lifetime of Happy Fridays!


Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF! 278-279-95-66293045

19-Jan-2024 21:06:38

Feb Member 2018


Posts: 29,038 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aslon Dak said :
Right, one last thing to do on this final Forum Friday:

Special larger-than-Liverpool thanks to Scouse for having this thread, continuing his Happy Friday tradition - another longtime feature of the RSOF which will be missed.

Take good care, mate. I wish you a lifetime of Happy Fridays!



Until they are gone my friend, i refuse to believe that they may go, lets hold our breaths and expect to post again next friday <3

Much love

Scouse - I hear no fat lady singing........
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
August 15th 2017, the day Jagex freed me
Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life

19-Jan-2024 21:13:39

Feb Member 2018


Posts: 29,038 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
But sadly, our friend list can not hold the sheer friendship which forums hold, friend list = 200, idk maybe it is just me but that 200 is almost always full, idk about everyone else but i have many more that 200 friends through runescape, and i can promise you that the 200 that Jagex allow us to have is not even a patch on the friends i know through forums =(

Much love

Scouse - Jagex, you aint fuckin God, so stop trying to play God........
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
August 15th 2017, the day Jagex freed me
Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life

19-Jan-2024 23:47:24

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