As I'm sure you've noticed, I like water types (even have a full water team, fun to use in Monotype).
Edit: Why is the name of the best Pokemon ever censored, Jagex?
Edit Again: Kingd*a is censored too?
Nice team, could work well as a Raindance team too.
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left
Sylveon*Left Overs
Bold Nature (or whichever one is +Def, -Atk)
EVS: 252 hp, 252 Defence
Ability: Pixilate
-Calm Mind
This can set up to sweep or poison walls which get in the way.
Careful Nature
EVS: 252 hp, defence can be spread how you want, depending what you want it to tank more
Ability: Levitate
-Defog, or another attacking move if you're not too worried about removing entry hazards, Protect can work well here if you're using Toxic
-Earthquake/Dragon Claw
-U Turn/Toxic/Dragon Tail
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left
I like that moveset, quite defensive too
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left
I like that moveset, quite defensive too
Got rid of Dragonbreath and Mist Ball to be replaced with Dragon Pulse and Psyshock. My experience has found that she really needs to be taking down foes sooner rather than later.