I've got a Hidden Ability Eevee on me with a Calm nature, and 31 Defence and Sp.Def IVs, and a high end HP IV. And I'm thinking of making it an Umbreon with the following set:
@ Black Sludge/Leftovers
Protect/Confuse Ray
Just a little suppressor or something to experiment with. It could also make a Pixilate Sylveon but I want something with a bit more power for that. I caught her as well, so no Curse or any other egg moves.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Well, that's three of my Fairy team finished. And I just thought of a seven deadly sins team too, and a possible seven virtues team. Here they are:
Deadly Sins Team
WRATH: Alolan Marowak
PRIDE: Alolan Persian
LUST: Ditto
ENVY: Mimikyu?
SLOTH/GLUTTONY: Snorlax (Yeah yeah it's a cop-out I know.)
GREED: Weavile (Hidden Ability)
Virtues Team
PATIENCE: Gumshoos
TEMPERANCE: Meditite/Medicham
CHASTITY: Nidoqueen/Silvally
DILIGENCE: One of the Popplio line
HUMILITY: Probably Wimpod/Golisopod
Something tells me that getting hands on Meditite or Nidoqueen will be tough unless I can trade, but if there are any others that could represent the Temperance and Chastity virtues, let me know please.
Bearing in mind that I checked the Pokedex entries on them as well as keeping in mind that Nidoqueen and Silvally can't breed, not even with Ditto which can breed with virtually anything (which is why Ditto is Lust on the Deadly Sins team). Humility was a hard one to come up with, and based on Abilities and Wimpod's Pokedex entry - it will gladly eat anything even if it's rotten and is cowardly, and Golisopod spends its time meditating in peace - that was the best one I could come up with for that virtue.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Since the Eevee I caught earlier and plan to evolve into Umbreon has the hidden ability and is female on top of having top Defence and Sp.Def as well as high end HP IVs, she's going to be the mother of another project I'm planning. And that's a mixed Sylveon.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
I'd like to. My team is nearly finished, just putting up Klefki now. I might even put in my planned mixed Sylveon if it gets done quickly enough.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Just make sure your legendaries can pass as legit cuz this competition sounds like a trap.
Also you guys should keep us posted if you have any really good battles I'd like to hear about them.
I won't be using legendaries! And they're all legit
! I don't want to transfer them to Sun yet!
I had loads of great battles in last weeks weakness competition but i've forgotten now haha!
I'll put my Fairy team into it. Everything I have so far is EV trained, maybe I'll just use the Primarina I started with. No Tapus on here either.
Everything is pretty much ready now, and my first Primarina is going on there too. Also I have to say that Shiny Ribombee is adorable.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439
06-Aug-2017 23:00:15
- Last edited on
06-Aug-2017 23:54:16
Ancient Drew