Yeah, none of your tales seem to line up with each other. Surely if you were so smart you'd be able to type better.
If you're so concerned with the machine's need for cashflow, then you would understand that there is absolutely no money to be made from dead people. The intent was never to let people die, make a quick buck off peoples' panic, sure. But not death. There's no profit in that.
You're ridiculous. And very authoritarian if you want the world to bend to your fickle beliefs.
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.
" but i know people wouldn't listen anyways"
Not while you're spouting that obviously crazy and deluded bullshit, no.
I have seen more coherent things scrawled in shit on the walls of a mental hospital.
In any case, your revelations consist of nothing but banal cliches and mealy-mouthed bromides. "They said a man would come". Yawn.
^regarding the typing, it's a forum and the low character count i'm forced to skip words to fit everything in.
well covid 19 will last at least maybe 3 years longer so we will find out, i maybe wrong, maybe right....1 year in, nothing was gained minus vaccines but a timer is set on those along with a bumpy road <----i said that months ago minus the timer being set and it's been a bumpy road for those vaccines.
-people off work
-having to pay bills
-allowing travel still
-new variants(each from a new place) <---should have banned travel but when do people ever learn from their mistakes? "lockdown, release it, cases have dropped oh dang....another lockdown <---even with 100 cases world wide only, this can explode again.
^all of that doesn't fit together without a financial plan with serious planning to stop this this, it's all about choices.
laugh all you want at me, i'm not the one following a dead horse, when people make daft decisions i don't follow them. I stay in lockdown even when the morons release them for my families safely.
Regarding the "i know people wouldn't listen anyways", do you see them listening to the doctors? no, cause to save lives on this you have to close stuff down which is loss of money to business people when you limit things. oh...our governments are full of business people, they cry when they lose a dollar......yeah check mate, we lost......$$$ more important than lives in this fight.
speaking of careers, i might go to law school but i'll have to lie to myself in thinking the legal system is fine tuned and well designed with zero corruption laws that i can see from 5 miles away.....i can't win, these loopholes are crazy.
Mr.G: i slipped in this man's driveway while he wasn't home, i want 20k for my injuries i may or may not be faking.
^called using a walking stick to test for ice...or walk really slow
You can own a road and someone can sue you for tripping over a rock (100% owner put it there)
lmao, I disapprove on almost everything, And i don't get visions or hear voices, i trace events/choices back to the source and find how things happened from point A to point B and why then i compare it to my choices.
^99% it's for greed, not long term success. laugh all you want idc, i'm laughing with joy, minus the life lost, the earth is repairing it's self as we are all locked inside.
Just remember, we are no where close to the finish line
It's all gone a bit Pete Tong on here. Way off at tangents.
Poor ole Trollyboy has for once created a thread that hasn't been insta-locked and people were actually replying on topic to and it suddenly ended up in the meat grinder.
what is your future career goals.
After I graduate high school, I want to work on the diesel or gas turbine engine as a technician or mechanic on Cargo ships or other oil tankers.
my job would be critical to globalization as international trade relies mostly on shipping on water and they cannot move without the technicians fixing the power source.
It's all gone a bit Pete Tong on here. Way off at tangents.
Poor ole Trollyboy has for once created a thread that hasn't been insta-locked and people were actually replying on topic to and it suddenly ended up in the meat grinder.
what is your future career goals.
After I graduate high school, I want to work on the diesel or gas turbine engine as a technician or mechanic on Cargo ships or other oil tankers.
my job would be critical to globalization as international trade relies mostly on shipping on water and they cannot move without the technicians fixing the power source.
Well choices are related to careers so are beliefs, so honestly wasn't steered that far from the gate way