well my mind is choice based given my 7+ lives bleeding through me so i know how this earth works, basically everyone has backwards minds(what you think is right is actually far worse off in the end)
it's like nuclear power, has a 70% chance to kill 40%+ of everyone in 400 years from now, things you can't clean up, probably not the best thing to mess around with.
i refer to ones bad choices that 100% will lead to death as death cards, maybe i should have called them death doors instead.
Everything to me is like a series of doors/pathways which i called cards as sometimes RNG plays a role in the choices one must make. So basically the whole meaning to what is stated is if you had 10 choices, everyone is picking those that lead to bad places due to greed. My "have my deck of death cards" was referring to i know about everyone's choice and it's outcome but i know people wouldn't listen to me about the good choices so meant may as well have all the bad ones as your going to choose them either way.
people are predictable, put a life saving choice on the table, they will question profits ASAP, in which they choice another as relation to current problems "close airports, fund the people stop the virus vs keep the world running, allow travel, wait on vaccines which is taking a toll on lives in the time it's taking"
^Lets pretend vaccines didn't exist i bet people would do the right thing but to lose money vs an already deemed method they do that instead sadly, but it's a bumpy road many are going to die, my option less than 400k would have died but i value life higher than money, money can be made back, everyone who died are gone until there next journey.
03-Feb-2021 18:56:51