Boss: Greg
Start Time: 16:00 Finish Time: 17:00 (Gametime)
Host: Be A Potato
Ranks Joined (for full hour): Re4per, flash of 2h,
Ranks Joined (not full hour): anduxman7
Ranks helping with roles:
Drops: essence
Any Issues:
Boss: Vorago
Start Time: 18:50 Finish Time: 21:35 (Gametime)
Host: Sherwien & Jaro
Ranks Joined (for full hour): Re4per, flash of 2h, Spdavis, Weirdo Faye, Muppi, landon, Little foosh.
Ranks Joined (not full hour): Be a potato, f 50, madnes, optronix,
Ranks helping with roles: Flash of 2h, Muppi, Jaro, Weirdo Faye, Little foosh.
Any Issues:
Well hello there
Boss: vind
Start Time: 6:48 Finish Time: 7:48 (Gametime)
Host: Deapz
Ranks Joined(for full hour): na
Ranks Joined(not full hour): na
Ranks Helping With Roles: na
Drops: zaros ess
Any Issues: none
How did you hear about LSPVM247?a friend pointed me in your direction because I needed reapers done.
How many days a week do you PVM? 7 days a week.
On a scale starting with Giant Mole ending with AoD, how experienced are you in PvM? able to defeat most of the bosses. have a kill in all except magister and solak.
Do you understand the rules of the FRIENDSCHAT and JAGEX? yes
Are you willing to learn new bossing methods and new roles? absolutely, just more content to have fun with
Are you willing to learn new bosses and help others out who are in-experienced? already do that in my clan, so yes
Do you agree that if you break the rules in the FC that your temp add ''WILL'' be taken from you? yes
Do you have access to discord (don't post user name here)? already in the lspvm247 discord.
Runescape name:
ikke me zelf
How did you hear about LSPVM247?
How many days a week do you PVM?
when i get online
On a scale starting with Giant Mole ending with AoD, how experienced are you in PvM?
Do you understand the rules of the FRIENDSCHAT and JAGEX?
Are you willing to learn new bossing methods and new roles?
Are you willing to learn new bosses and help others out who are in-experienced?
Do you agree that if you break the rules in the FC that your temp add ''WILL'' be taken from you?
Do you have access to discord (don't post user name here)? i could
Boss: helywr
Start Time: 10:30 Finish Time: 11:30(Gametime)
Host:holy duddy
Ranks Joined (for full hour):lithuanian
Ranks Joined (not full hour):n/a
Ranks helping with roles:n/a
Any Issues:none
Start Time: 20:15 Finish Time: 21:15 (Gametime)
Host: holy duddy
Ranks Joined (for full hour):n/a
Ranks Joined (not full hour):Lithuanian, shaddrux
Ranks helping with roles:n/a
Drops:wand of cywir
Any Issues:nope