Boss:Nex AOD
Start Time: 21:00 Finish Time: 23:00 (Gametime)
Host: Be A Potato/ Shaddrux
Ranks Joined (for full hour): spdavis, flash of 2h, re4per, im alfz, shwkus, sr piinga, markvang
Ranks Joined (not full hour):
Ranks helping with roles:
Drops: 2 codex
Any Issues:
Boss: Vindicta
Start Time: 14:30 Finish Time: 15:30 (Gametime)
Host: bettyscape
Ranks Joined (for full hour): Flash of 2h
Ranks Joined (not full hour):
Ranks helping with roles:
Drops: Anima body x2, Zarosian Essence, Glimmering scale (pet) / title for Rogier288
Any Issues: