Player name: Epic Nick
Combat level: 138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level: 120 120 120
Have you read all rules and follow them: Yes
How did you find the FC: Forum
Will you join the FC Discord: Yes
Tier 99 Prayers you own: all
Solak Kill Count: 15, but this is from when solak was released.
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Melee: trimmed masterwork, malevolent
Range: Sirenic
Mage: Tectonic
List T90-T92 Weapon(s)
Melee: Khopeshes, scythe, zgs, tera maul
Range: asc bows
Mage: Sos, t92 wand and orb
22-Jun-2020 21:05:31