Player name:Sheepington
Combat level:138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level: 103 herblore, 99 prayer, 99 summoning
Have you read all rules and follow them: Yes
How did you find the FC: RunescapeForum
Will you join the FC Discord: Yes
Tier 99 Prayers you own: Desolation, affliction, Malevolence
Solak Kill Count: 0
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Melee: Custom fitted Trimmed Masterwork
Range: mixed Sirenic and pernix
Mage: Full virtus
List T90-T92 Weapon(s)
Melee: Duel Khopesh,nox scythe
Range: Ascension and repriser, nox bow
Mage: nox staff, Seismic wand and rebounder
25-Dec-2019 14:48:46