Rank Application
Player name: GI Jose (Iron is "Baughwssery"; will be active on both in FC to scout learners, only applying for rank on GI Jose).
Combat level: 138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level: Maxed
Have you read the rules and understand them? Yes.
Roles you can perform at;
- Nex; Angel of Death: All
- Vorago: All
- Beastmaster Durzag: All
- Yakamaru: All
* Was previously ranked (3 banana?) rank in FC after passing trials; they were approved by foxmcccloud when he was still in the chat. Had vids to show him and a few trips I went with him to complete trials. Can do some again if needed.
17-Jul-2019 03:39:07
- Last edited on
17-Jul-2019 03:39:24
GI Jose