Player name: cooledkiller
Combat level: 138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level: 99,99,99
How long have you been in the FC? A while
Will you teach others, be active, and polite? YEa
Have you read all rules and follow them? Yes
How did you find the FC? One day i was looking for a pvming fc and i was like lets try 'pvming fc' and it happen to be a thing.
Will you join the FC Discord? Yes
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Melee:Full teralith, malevolent set
Range:Full tempest, sirenic set
Mage: Full primeval
(Sup) Elite void:no
Player name: cooledkiller
Combat level: 138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level: 99,99,99
How long have you been in the FC? A while
Will you teach others, be active, and polite? YEa
Have you read all rules and follow them? Yes
How did you find the FC? One day i was looking for a pvming fc and i was like lets try 'pvming fc' and it happen to be a thing.
Will you join the FC Discord? Yes
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Melee:Full teralith, malevolent set
Range:Full tempest, sirenic set
Mage: Full primeval
(Sup) Elite void:no
Player name:space smurf
Combat level:138
Herblore, prayer and summoning level:99.99.99
How long have you been in the FC?hard to tel, i have been there for sometime
Will you teach others, be active, and polite?yes
Have you read all rules and follow them?yes
How did you find the FC?from a frinde
Will you join the FC Discord?i am there now
List T80-T90 Armour(s)
Mage:superior zuriel's
(Sup) Elite void: no
List T80-T92 Weapon(s)
Melee:nox scyth drygores and statius hammer
Mage:nox staff+ siesmic wand and orb
Roles you can do at the bosses listed below;
- Kalphite King:tank or voke
- Nex:.... ?
- Nex; Angel of Death:chin/hammer/eng+mt
- Vorago:bomb/base/tl5
- Beastmaster Durzag:bt/bu/pt1.2.3/nc
- Yakamaru
erf hammer and sh10/cpr/dbl ms/pt
Comments:i still owne you for 1 death abilitys.... :/