Average hourly outputs:
[gold]+100k to +255k[/gold] Dungeoneering tokens
[gold]+8k[/gold] Dungeoneering fragments
[gold]+500k - 1.8M[/gold] Ranged/Magic xp/hr
[gold]+130k[/gold] Dungeoneering xp/hr
(Chimes, Taijitu, and combat data is being collected)[/centre]
[centre]Former Hoster "Fracasas" conducted a study over 6 Million Tokens to see how much GP he would make back from the monsters killed.
1st Study: 68.7M GP made back from 150M worth of Tokens.
2nd Study: 75M gp made back from 150M worth of Tokens.[/centre]
[gold][centre]Conclusion: You're going to make back half of the GP you paid = Cheaper Tokens for you[/centre][/gold]
[gold][centre][b][u]IV. Pricing[/u][/b][/centre][/gold]
-Payments are always upfront and with a max of 10M GP for 100k tokens at a time.
-You will be refunded for the Tokens that were not completed should you leave prior to your Tokens being completed.
The Current Rates:
30M GP for 100K Tokens (Regular)
[centre]40M GP for 100K Tokens (Ironman)
23-Dec-2021 19:10:26