VII. Donations Hall of Fame
D Frog - 105,000,000
SpitLikeMom - 100,000,000
catchmeousid - 60,000,000
FleurQt - 54,000,000
A Y H A N - 50,000,000
ManlyBeast - 50,000,000
itsmyteddy - 32,500,000
Fracasas - 21,000,000
S T A N G - 20,000,000
LatinLegendx - 20,000,000
helltorepay - 20,000,000
Salvator - 18,000,000
Wizore - 15,000,000
Q: What if I'm a lower level?
A: You won't be for long! This is amazing combat experience per hour! Stay behind the Hoster, they will tank for the entire duration of the session. Make sure to land at least 1 hit on the miniboss to receive your tokens
Q: Can I bring outside gear in?
A: Yes, bring your best magic or ranged gear to speed up kills
Q: Where do I go?
A: Gear up and chill out where you are at, the Hoster will teleport you to the starting area
Q: Any requirements?
A: "Impressing the Locals" quest, no dungeoneering level required