>Because it would advance their Butchery skill, provide new and better foods, and it would be a great source of income.
Already, the best food is a potion called Saradomin Brew.
The best food after that, is Rocktail.
We don't need food that heals 1/4 the max HP.
>For the same reasons folks pick up anything. It would be a resource, it has value. It can be butchered into steaks and meats that can be cooked or sold to cooks. It could just be collected and sold to folks wanting to advance their Butchery skill.
Wow, using a knife or Cleaver with a carcass. It sounds like experience would be just like Fletching or Cooking.
We don't need another one of those.
>Why not? What's wrong with a new skill?
A good skill is better than just a "new" skill.
>Cooking is diverse enough. It's just too much work for an add on.
Why limit what Cooking does? Considering Recipe for Disaster gives you the standard stuff a Butcher would have: Cleaver, Meat Tenderizer, Knife, etc.
>Better and unique foods and more income wouldn't be popular? It's kinda like Fletching meat. Fletching isn't popular?
Nope, it isn't. People just get it in order to have A skillcape or to TRIM a previous skillcape.
>I've never really minded work. It gives a great sense of accomplishment.
Yup, gotta grind some useless skill better than some other noob!
>Will do.
Give up on the idea, chances are, Jagex won't make this. It is exactly like Cooking, except you have to skin the creature first and chop it up first.
They just made another skill...I doubt another one right now is on their mind.
03-Aug-2010 02:56:10