
Stealing Creation Tunnels

Quick find code: 185-186-915-62880562

Jan Member 2008


Posts: 1,024 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FUNNY MAO, The idea of the tunnel from the base to a fog is another way of taking the end battles of the game from each others enemy base to the playing field. As I previously mentioned, if I had my way the tunnels would just take you out of the base but not provide a way into the base (getting your clay to your base should always remain a challenge).
I just don't want this tunnel to become a completely safe passage and therefor actually reduce the combat of the game. Locating the enemy's fog exit coupled with the fact that you can run from the fog in any direction (not just 2 doors as in your base) I believe would balance it overall effect on the game.

25-Jul-2012 05:17:06

Runes Rath
Jul Member 2008

Runes Rath

Posts: 2,177 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is the point of non-cmbt SC clans/friend chats. I agree they can be annoying, but in my opinion, it adds to the game. It's all part of the strategy. I think it would be extreamly unfair to be able to use a tunnel to magically appear in the middle of the arena, where all the good clay is normally held (And fought over).
This would just kill the game. If you want a nice peaceful game, find a fc for that purpose. There are many out there, go find one.
No support.
~ Runes Rath
QPC Since Dec 9th, 2020

13-Aug-2012 06:21:44

Jan Member 2008


Posts: 1,024 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Runes Rath wrote: "I think it would be extreamly unfair to be able to use a tunnel to magically appear in the middle of the arena, where all the good clay is normally held (And fought over)."
If this is where all the good clay is and where it is being fought over, as you just stated, then wouldn't this just increase the combat? Wouldn't the combat be more challenging rather than trapping unarmed lower level players in their base?

"This would just kill the game. If you want a nice peaceful game, find a fc for that purpose. There are many out there, go find one."
I have never once stated here that I want a "nice peaceful game". But I have stated numerous times that I want a more challenging game with more challenging combat and the suggestions I have made are specifically intended to accomplish just that. I want these battles take place in the playing field rather than just repeatedly killing unarmed lower level players trapped in their base.
If you find that somehow rewarding I completely understand your lack of support.
For me it got old hundreds of game ago.

14-Aug-2012 03:15:20

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