Barrows update:
This update would excite PVM & PVP players:
Inspired by the halloween events couldron.
This update would be applied to weapons allowing a right click function for a type 2 in worn equipment on weapons modifying set abilities instead of suggestions in creating new weapons.
There could be a quest or PVM for it. Other suggestions could be a Barrows orb drop obtained from the chest in player inventory that enables this and would require charges for type 2 abilities.
This orb drop would be very rare and droppable. What im about to suggest below is the reasons why.
Type 2 abilities by either a quest enabling the function or an orb drop that requires charges for use would allow:
Ahrims double/tripple cast between 10-20 % random chance on attack ignoring Magic defence +.
Karils double attack 10-15% chance on attack seperate with the chance of applying a 5 second bind.
Veracs double/tripple strike draining prayer by 40% chance of 40% of damage and special attack gauge by 20%
Dhoraks base attack speed increases by lowered hp or a double attack% chance 25% (for players feeling ripped off by the low hp gamble).
Torags base attack speed increased by every attack. Base attack speed returns to normal on change of target/Torags attack speed increases when attacked.
Guthans drain of up to 50% on attack by a one-off that would apply to the user. The highest damage would be the overall drain allocated.
Either by points, charges or %: The Barrows orb would drain by usage depending on the set thats charged by paying a high fee or stardust to the digger or by converting kill count into charges for a fee.
Highlighting the suggested upgrades; players could find a modified spear; flail or set of hammers applying this suggested update without the orb.
After defeating one of the brothers players could have the option of clicking on individual coffins to fight a fortified version (different appearence) with these upgrades hitting through prayer %.
29-Nov-2023 19:41:03