Clans are supposed to be a major social aspect of the game, and yet a lot of the content specifically made for clans hasn't been updated in quite some time. They've become dated and less useful than they were in the past. To address this, I've put together some ways clans can be improved and brought back into relevance as more than just a chat with benefits.
Better Citadel Customization
The citadel's main functions are to be a clan hangout and a status symbol. Both of those things would be improved by giving a wider range of customizations to allow individual citadels to look more unique and appealing to a variety of aesthetic preferences. This would also better incentivize upgrading and maintaining the citadel. While the variety and utility of options may increase with the tier, it's important to have a wide enough variety of equally priced options so that clans don't end up choosing the same cosmetics just because a small handful are the highest tier/most expensive. Cosmetic elements related to tier should be customizable across a variety of aesthetics to effectively give clans options while still showing off their achievements.
Customization options:
More varied, natural looking layouts instead of the somewhat grid like layouts currently available (ex: multiple islands connected by bridges or teleporters)
Different stone types and colours for the buildings and walls
More decorative plants and statues
Skill themed decorations
Murals/wall decorations
Garden and flowers
Different Citadel NPCs, outfit styles and colours
More clan avatar customization options
Varied interior layout options for the stronghold with customizations to room decorations
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The citadel skilling rates and rewards are very dated. Aside from the XP buff, the rewards are pretty negligible and forgettable including the actual xp gained from capping. It's just not very incentivizing to clan participation. Some skilling plots are also unwieldy as you have to circle all around them to access the different areas you need to skill there (kiln, mine, loom). The P2P nature of citadels also means that F2P clanmates can't help contribute, which can make them seem like dead weight to clans trying to maintain their citadel and cuts down on members both able and willing to do so.
Rescale skilling rates and rewards to modern standards
Restructure skilling plots so that all skilling nodes are easily accessible from eachother
Add a visual indicator to the kiln's wood piles to differentiate between empty and full
Make citadel skilling F2P accessible (P2P skills potentially accessible with 0 xp past the lvl cap)
Add a wider variety of skilling plots (ex: fishing and runecrafting)
Add the ability to exchange surplus of one resource for another (to allow more flexibility on skilling xp gain vs resource gain for upkeep/upgrades)
Add some means of monitoring the clan avatar's resource progress
Replace text based avatar resource collection interface with the ability to set specific quantities of multiple resources up to the weekly limit
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The community menu has a dedicated tab for groups and room for at least 2 more tabs so I feel it's about time clans got one too. The chat and chat list just aren't enough to provide on the go utilities. It could be set up similarly to the achievements tab so it can fit more things into sub tabs focused on specific aspects of clan uses.
Information like tier, resources, upkeep/upgrade progress, visit count, your personal visit/cap status, build tick countdown, fealty status, whether or not rewards are available and claimed.
Clan Management:
Various things mostly reserved for higher ranked members with permissions to do them such as checking who visited/capped at the citadel, clan settings features, etc.
Explanations about various clan features, how to access the citadel, etc so that players can easily learn/relearn what they can do within a clan. This would include role specific things so players can easily learn how to manage a clan if they want to.
Clan Noticeboard:
Event scheduling, long term messages and clan forum connectivity. The Clan forums are tucked away and very easy to forget about. Given the regular site forums could use improvements to increase community engagement, the clan forums could see similar improvements at the same time. In game messages like the notes system tend to have tight character limits so the ability to pin clan forum threads or link to them would greatly improve the means of conveying more extensive and detailed clan information clanmates can consult over a long period of time.
Clan Rankings:
Rankings in competitive clan activities like Clan Wars or competitions. Possibly the means to compare to other clans.
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id settle for the ability to enter the citadel at all times. i cant help it we're a small clan and majority of the people never leave pvm long enough to visit to keep it unlocked.
With the removal or the forums, improvements to clans will be especially important. A forum system would still be ideal to avoid making clan coordination dependent on third party accounts and platforms to work but if they're set on their decision, they need to commit to improved off site connectivity. Other sites shouldn't be a substitute for in game content improvements, so a reworked clan system should have what it needs to organize events and dispense information to clan members.
We need better in game clan recruitment besides planting vexillums. Clan recruitment areas and/or a reworked clan community tab should be able to easily look up recruiting clans by category without requiring members to stand around and spam chat. The same is applicable to FCs, which will also become more difficult to find and make use of without the forums. You pretty much have to know an FC exists to find it in game. Longtime issues successfully recruiting out of game outside of the forums makes the need for this improvement plainly obvious.
There should be a way to consolidate all chat and chat list tabs into a single one, like how the magic tab can be split and recombined into its individual spell type tabs. This would help players make a more space efficient setup to make use of the social tabs.
Since guest chats allow players to interact with clans they aren't part of, expanding on that with inter clan functions could be worthwhile. Clans that are on good terms and share a community should be able to coordinate more easily, such as being able to set up quick access to clan guest chats in addition to players having their own repertoire like with FCs.
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