For the wind instruments, you could also do it as per level in the skill:
Level 1 - Regular logs
Level 10 - Oak Logs
Level 20 - Willow Logs
Level 30 - Teak Logs
Level 40 - Maple Logs
Level 50 - Acadia Logs
Level 60 - Yew Logs
Level 70 - Magic Logs
Level 80 - Elder Logs
Level 90 - Crystal Fragments
On the starting point of the skill, they shied away from pure quests to start it.
Remember how you had to do Wolf Whistle before you could start Summoning or Druidic Ritual to do Herblore?
Invention is more of a proper tutorial quest/miniquest. But it does show you the basics of the skill: disassembling, augmentation, doing blue prints, etc etc. But at the same time, you're doing it when you're already experienced at the game (Level 80 in 3 skills).
So if Music was an "elite" skill, then you'd yeah ... want a tutorial that taught you how to play music, how to make instruments, and go over the effects.
If the skill however is intended to be used from the get-go like Firemaking or Magic, then your "intro quest" would be something more aimed at Level 1 to supplement the skill, rather than locking it behind.
Sort of like how you have guide mode in Dungeoneering or the tutorial for Divination.
11-Feb-2019 05:18:16