
My Build-A-Backblog Suggestion

Quick find code: 185-186-308-65886486

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Hello I'm suehtam and I created this post as a way to grouping my favorite ideas.


Page 1
01. Riding+Mount.
02. Music Skill/Barding Skill.
03. Relentless Prisons.
04. ...
05. Fairy Rouge and Stealing Slayer Monsters.
06. ...

Page 2
07. Construction Upgrades.
08. New Loan System.
09. Player-owned Fantasy Manager Gnome Ball.
10. ...
11. Tavern Party D&D and Gyro Vs Kebad World Event.
12. .
13. Medusa & Gorgon.
14. Minotaur Mania.
15. New Customization Perspective.

Page 3
16. .
17. .
18. Trick or Treat Halloween Event.
19. Ninja Request
20. ...
21. Wushanko Isles Ideas.
22. Painting.
My List of New Game Content Suggestions

28-Feb-2017 16:59:00 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2022 23:09:49 by Suehtam

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
01. Riding+Mount.

Yeah, you didn't read wrong, It's one more idea about mounts. I know this has already become a joke and a meme... but I like the idea... yes really, no kidding. Still it is something that I would like to see in the game, depending how it was introduced.
Here are some ideas (please don't hate me).

Beginning with the horses, yes one of the most mystic and mysterious creatures of the Runescape (its existence has not yet been proven), don't confuse with hornless unicorns. Maybe King Arthur or some of the Knights of the Round, know something about horses, or about mount since they probably practiced Jousting, before they came to Guilenor. Another one that could help a lot would be Hannibus the Dragon Rider, yes he would be practically the master of riding skill. If mount were to be introduced in the game in the form of a skill. He would have been perfect to teach this ability. Gnomes also have a lot to teach, since they are experts in riding giant turtles and terror birds, even the Scabarites are more advanced than humans on this subject.

The purpose of this idea is not to try to replace teleports. Even if the world were expanded, it would only take more time to go from place to place. Teleports would still be the best option. So trying to heighten the size of the world (just to justify mounts) would be unnecessary.

_You could ride or have him just following you. If possible leave it standing in place without being moved.
_Visible increase in walking speed or dash ability similar to surge.
_Ride to others players. (Two or three people on the same mount.)

_Maybe use places with a large space like, Wilderness, Kharidian Desert and Eagles' Peak for some minigame or D&D.
_And most importantly thing, don't put any exclusive mounts to sell in Solomon's General Store or Alice's Treasure Hunter.
My List of New Game Content Suggestions

28-Feb-2017 16:59:13 - Last edited on 23-Jun-2018 17:03:54 by Suehtam

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In a General Q&A livestream (July 2019) the real reason why it is not possible to introduce mounts into runescape is revealed:

"Will Jagex ever release mounts?
R: No. There are so many issues with mounts. If you can help solve the two biggest problems with mounts then we will. (i) The game has been designed for 1x1 characters which includes doors and agility courses; (ii) Run speed is the fastest the player character can go. What would a mount do, go at run speed? Or teleport a few squares. That's pretty much the only two options you've got. A lot of people also want to fly which has its own problems."

My opinion: In fact it really seems difficult for mounts to be launched even in the long time. But it's still one of the ideas I'm not really willing to give up. So I want to keep it there, maybe improve it and even keep you up to date on whatever position Jagex might take on it.

For now contain yourself with this list of iconic runescape creatures that I have selected for possible mounts:
Horses, hornless unicorns, unicorns, pegasus, yaks, mammoths, bears, wolfs, lions, tigers, sphinxes, griffins, dragons, dinosaurs, gurhs, tortoises, terror birds, magic carpets, camels, locusts, scorpions, spiders, some machines, mobile goblin throne, dark beasts, corporeal beast and maybe even a jad too.
My List of New Game Content Suggestions

28-Feb-2017 16:59:20 - Last edited on 04-Mar-2020 17:03:42 by Suehtam

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
02. Music Skill/Barding Skill.

This is one of the classic ideas suggested by the runescape community. In my opinion, the skill to make your own musical instruments and play music with them, is without a doubt the most attractive and original skill possible that still don't have at runescape yet.


There are several different things that can be do with the music skill like, story teller, calm down and lure monsters, give support during combat, join a musical band and liven up parties.


Treated like as skill tool. The instruments would be made through the crafting skill, and some may be monsters drop. There would also be large instruments such as the ithell harmonium harps around Gielinor.


The runescape is full of bars (pubs) that are no longer useful. They would be the perfect places to start training. Technically you could play music anywhere in the game but only in some places the exp rates would be high.

Personally I would prefer a simple skill where you just play music and earn exp for that. Without much concern as to how this might be useful for other skills.
My List of New Game Content Suggestions

28-Feb-2017 16:59:28 - Last edited on 14-Sep-2019 18:43:57 by Suehtam

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
03. Relentless Prisons.

Today I bring to you a slightly different idea. Imagine walking through the wilderness and suddenly you are defeated and ''killed'', but instead of losing all your items and teleporting back to Edgeville, you are captured and taken to the force for a dungeon inside an unbreakable fortress.

There you can't teleport to leave. The only way to get free would be by using your
skills. This is a rather hardcore idea where in case you fail, you would be stuck until you can get escape on your own or with help by other player.
_But why would I want to get stuck?
_Exactly you doesn't want to have to go through it.
_But then what is the purpose of this idea?

It was to pass the emotion of danger like to the Hardcore Ironman account. May seem a strange idea at first time, but it still makes more sense than simply dying and respawn elsewhere.

Others places where this could be used:
Lv10 _Pillory at Varrock, Seers' Village and Yanille.
Lv20 _H.A.M. Hideout.
Lv30 _Black Knights' Base
Lv40 _Desert Mining Camp.
Lv50 _Rock Island Prison.
Lv60 _Meiyerditch Mine.
Lv70 _Ape Atoll.
Lv80_Sliske's Lair.
Lv90 _Rogues' Castle.
My List of New Game Content Suggestions

28-Feb-2017 16:59:35 - Last edited on 14-Sep-2019 21:13:14 by Suehtam

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
05. Fairy Rouge and Stealing Slayer Monsters.

First meet the protagonist.

Pana: She is the sister of the fairy Aeryka (real character in game). Pana acts and thinks like as an impling and has much fear to get stuck inside an impling jar. Looking for freedom and recognition from other fairies.

The story.
It all beginning in zanaris where Aeryka is worried about Pana, because she spends much time in puro-puro alongside the implings. Fearing that this cause problems for the Fairy Queen, she asks the help to the player.

Arriving in puro puro we met with Pan'na, that has the same habits that the implings. We discover that her great dream is to go out by the world collecting treasures. After that, the player decided to help her on her journey.

Passing through Thieves' Guild, Heist, Pyramid Plunder, until finally arriving at its final objective that is to steal the loot of a great Boss of the Runescape maybe Telos, maybe Vorago who know?
(most likely Solak)
. For this you will have to distract the boss while Pana steals his pentances.


* Ability to steal slayer monsters (as long as they are occupied fighting against other players). Obtain the exclusive loots of the respective monsters through thieving skill.

* Fairy Rouge Cape or Sneak Attack Sigil: For the next 15 seconds you become invisible! Aggressive monsters doesn't see or attack you, your first attack is always a critical hit. (have 1-2 minutes of cooldown).

*Wasp Dagger: It causes a new debuff, which prevents the enemy from switching equipment during PvP.

* Thief Fairy pet: A way to use scavenge (legendary pet passive ability) with steel titan or other familiar at the same time.
My List of New Game Content Suggestions

28-Feb-2017 16:59:56 - Last edited on 14-Sep-2019 21:31:12 by Suehtam

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Lore

Pana was always very curious and easily impressed with everything around her. When the portal to Pure Puro first appeared in Zanaris, she couldn't stand the curiosity and entered inside. Hidden, because she was already forbidden to play with the fairy ring because of an accident that almost destroyed the rings and she didn't want to get another scold because of it.

She liked to observe the implings that gathered strange objects that she had never seen before. Although she didn't understood why they did it. She started to imitate them and for her it was like a game. She spent so much time with them that little by little she began to adopt the habits and behaviors of the implings.

When she met The Player, she learned from him that it was from Gielinor that the strange objects that the implings were carrying were coming. Pana didn't know the world outside Zanaris and Pure-Pure before that. So she was impressed and decided that would go there to find the most valuable objects in the world.

The player can't convince her to give up, Pana is naive and has no idea that stealing is wrong. Thinking about it, The Player make a plan to try to convince her to give up that idea of stealing things.

So you suggested that she go to these places: (Thieves' Guild, Heist, Pyramid Plunder) so she can learn advanced thieving techniques. But you really want her to see how thieving life is hard and then make her give up on this idea. But it's The Player who unwittingly induces Pana into the world of crime.

In the meantime Pana through other fairies heard rumors of a monster named Solak, but without listening to the whole story, she interpreted that he is actually a guardian of some extremely rare treasure. Without caring about to the danger she goes towards the lost grove. When The Player know aware of the situation he will try to rescue her and keep things under control.
My List of New Game Content Suggestions

28-Feb-2017 17:00:03 - Last edited on 14-Sep-2019 17:44:52 by Suehtam

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Extra information and Curiosities

In thispost I will leave attached any extra information that may be useful in the future.

Important places

Sorceress's Garden wasn't quoted but would also be a great place to go during this quest. Other locations such as Polypore Dungeon would also be well-suited for the plot even though there is nothing directly related to thieving.

Leave Zanaris

To bring Pana from Puro-Puro to Guilenor through the Fairy ring into Zanaris you would probably have to persuade her to enter into an impling jar, so you can go unnoticed. But the normal impling jar is very small for this, you would need
a special impling jar fairy size
made with a potion flask and imp repellent.

The End

* The true ending was left open, to keep the story interesting. But I've separated some different outcomes here, be careful with the spoilers.

_Solak was really hiding something valuable and she gets this treasure.

_She doesn't find anything of value, but remains very happy and decides to continue the life of adventure.

_The player convince her and she learns an important life lesson.

_Make a link with something bigger inside the Solak lores.

_She is possessed by the same evil that possessed solak... or dies, or something even worse.

_It is revealed that she is a pixie and not a fairy and now she steals a pirate ship and looking for revenge.

Which of these is your favorite ending?
My List of New Game Content Suggestions

28-Feb-2017 17:00:10 - Last edited on 14-Sep-2019 21:33:11 by Suehtam

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