PvP died when Jagex removed Wildy PvP in 2007 and didn't add an acceptable replacement in time (the first incarnation of Bounty Hunter).
All those players that fixated on PvP simply left. Utterly depressing that the concept of the Wilderness PvP and Free Trade removal is now old to drive in the US.
The combination of EoC and MTX killed what was left. One group of players didn't want a WoW style combat system. Others didn't want to deal with MTX. Equally depressing that these 2 features are now old enough to be in middle school.
Yet hear we are still whining about it over a decade later.
How many iterations of bounty hunter, wilderness revamping, introduction of "duelling anywhere", Darkscape, and even the reintroduction nearly a decade ago of the Pre-free trade/pvp free wildy game mode is it going to take to literally beat into you that PvP is not coming back and that this community no longer wants it?
I'm effing serious. Look at every. Single. PvP. Update that Jagex has done.
You think that just one more update is going to revive it?
Look around you man ......... this is a gaming company that spent a decade straying from the original concept the Gower laid down.
Mod Jack is just now dragging the storyline back into Pre-The World Wakes type stories. Even that is going to take a long time to get going.
BTW, they are also skipping on doing flag checks on what quests and stuff you've done before ... so they are taking the easy way out and just assuming that "yeah, you've done all the 5th Age stuff, and new god wars stuff, so you're the adventurer formerly known as the World Guardian" and moving forward from there.
Let that sink in.
They have practically abandoned the concept of a PoH rework.
Minigames as a whole have languished.
Yet they continue to do MTX and push forward with ever newer and newer content while letting other stuff die.
24-Apr-2023 04:33:50