Hey everyone, as we are all very well aware. March 4th caused a issue to where players were not being able to log-in to the client.. etc. It has brought a ton of frustration and anxiety amongst a lot of players within the community. As the issue should be fixed before long.. let’s show some appreciation for Jagex and their team working tirelessly to resolve this issue.
I’m sure they have consumed numerous boxes of pizza and obscure amounts of caffeine just to get us all back into the game as quickly as possible!! Now, let’s show some love for the team! After-all RuneScape is a 2nd home to thousands of us.. none of it would be possible without Jagex and the crew doing what they do to strive to make the game what it is now. Especially, with the hours poured into resolving the login issue!
Always hold onto your dreams, until the last star falls.
10-Mar-2021 03:27:55