The PvP I had in WE2 was the best of my entire life, including other MMO's. People really need to give that a chance, I liked the feeling of a well-timed ability use being able to change the course of a battle, as opposed to "ROFL EAT MY AGS/CLAW SPEC COMBO WITH NO WAY TO REACT"
Let Me say this this was 1 of the hardest threads I've ever had to lock. It was a great read and a lot loved it.
Please if you ever reconsider re-opening this thread it would be a pleasure to do so.
Bad angermanagement made me take the wrong decision and it was your legitimate 'NICE' reasoning to get me back to the topic of this thread. This isn't my thread, it's a true '
RuneScape Community thread
' and thanks to Ms Toxicity to re-open it as Tufftypower was somewhere else busy.