As someone with an archaeology degree, I'd just like to say how much I'm enjoying the new skill!
While it's not always a fully accurate reflection of the job (where are the spoil heaps? why no trowels?), it has nevertheless distilled the essence of fieldwork well, and puts a premium on the skilled work of archaeological conservators.
There are also plenty of small touches that show a good understanding of what the discipline is really like - for example the archaeologist at Kharid-Et who'd rather be drawing something, a character whom I have met many times in real life!
Other things I like:
- lower level content retains relevance even at higher levels, encouraging going back to repeat it;
- good connection to the lore of RuneScape;
- lots of variety, in terms of environments, items and underlying story;
- varied gameplay, with collection and processing in a single skill;
- the need to think about what to do with the items obtained!
So 10/10, good job!
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~
Another person working in the discipline, here. And I totally second that!
I think this skill totally captures the feeling that I often have pithing archaeology; you look at the items and think like: "Wow, somebody a few thousand years before this day has held this in their hand. Did they think it was as beautiful as it looks to me right now? What did they use the jar to store?" And after a while a consistent picture forms more and more, and you get to understand the culture, city, or if you're lucky, the way of living of the family, whose house you're excavating... Or at least, you seem to haha
Thank you for this great skill and thank you for great lore you wrapped around it! You done did it again!