The directory is all updated up to this post of mine now
. A barrel of cheers to those of you who posted thoughts of appreciation; it's much appreciated.
Just as a quick note, by the way, I paraphrased a few of the miscellaneous entries in the directory in terms of how they would be titled, so in the case you posted appreciation that would be considered miscellaneous, I do advise you check out your entry on the directory just to make sure you agree with how it is titled (I do not see why someone would disagree, but I implore as a just-in-case measure).
Lastly, and on a personal note, thank you very much for the kind words, Ignis Eques! The conversations we have, even if short at times, certainly are rewarding to both of us; I actually hope to chat with you more in-game sometime soon due to not getting too many opportunities, to be honest.
Just your friendly neighborhood team player.
The last two appreciations have been added to the directory, and as with all such appreciation, cheers on behalf of the appreciated for taking your time to appreciate
Just your friendly neighborhood team player.