I've got LOTS of favorites. Let me name a few right here...
'Ballad of Enchantment' is definately one of my favorites, though I'm not sure why. It's certainly lovely, and sets a nice mood for an area that's nice to look at, but also full of things to do.
'Riverside' is nice and calm and relaxing, as is 'Background'. And just about ALL of the tracks in the area near the Fishing Guild. I especially love 'Mellow' and 'Stillwater'.
Diango's Little Helpers: Now this song speaks to me of getting ready for a truly festive occasion. Everyone is very busy and in a rush, but it's clear they love what they're doing, and are looking forward to the celebration to come. Charming and whimsical, it's not only a great theme song for Diango's pixies but a great song to play when hanging up the decorations during the holiday season.
Smorgasbord: Speaks to me of a wonderful celebration ... a truly grand party with friends both old and new. And indeed the 2009 Christmas event was just that, in the end.
Spa Bizarre: Now this definately captures the atmosphere of a quirky resort town where the fun is in full swing, and there's lots to do and much to see.
Magical Journey: Tells me that this is not just some ordinary land I'm travelling through, but one of magic, heroism, drama, and adventure, and that these things are near if you know where to look.
Parade: The original. This song is played on what sounds like a harpsichord and flute, and I can easily imagine it being played at a Ren faire or something similiar. Very nice, and enhances the atmosphere of a place on the outskirts of a medieval town.
Chompy Hunt: A fast-paced chase-type music, speaking of sighting something you're pursuing.
Baroque: Greatly enhances the atmosphere of an elegant, rich neighborhood with a thriving marketplace.
I've got more favorites, but I'll need more notes to talk about them.
09-Apr-2011 20:42:36
- Last edited on
09-Apr-2011 20:49:51