I love too many of them...Reason why I came to this thread was to talk about how much I love the OST of Runescape...It's amazing...I remember all of them...
I love the music so much that unfortunately my playlist gets full and I don't have anymore room to put anymore in...I wish you guys would consider expanding the playlist. :/
Mod Lord
I have just uploaded 'ScapeBold' and 'ScapeMelancholy' to our official Soundcloud channel for your listening pleasure
~~Mod Lord~~
ScapeMelancholy brings a tear to my eye, especially the crescendo about 0:48 into it. Put this song and Memories of Guthix back-to-back for a bit of a tearjerking experience.
All great changes are preceded by chaos.
ScapeSorrow, newly uploaded to the soundcloud, is purely brilliant. Quite an emotional song, too. RuneScape 3's audio is shaping up to be even
than I ever could have hoped.
All great changes are preceded by chaos.