& iirc, Astrael Frost is his name? The guy always helping with tech support questions
- Ornery Onions -
Prioritizing inclusion, friendliness and offering a helping hand to those that need it.
I still believe that Malua is not human. Her continued contributions to the community are unmatched and they get better by the day. Thanks, Malua and the Community Helpers that are always active and alert whenever someone needs assistance and an escalation for their issue(s) to be investigated by Jagex.
Mrs Ana
Thanks, Malua and the Community Helpers that are always active and alert whenever someone needs assistance and an escalation for their issue(s) to be investigated by Jagex.
Hear! Hear!
‡±General Tap's War Chest±‡
Twitter: @
Mrs Ana
I still believe that Malua is not human. Her continued contributions to the community are unmatched and they get better by the day. Thanks, Malua and the Community Helpers that are always active and alert whenever someone needs assistance and an escalation for their issue(s) to be investigated by Jagex.
Thank you
I remember one time before community helpers were an established and recognised team, Malua had gone on a holiday or a break for I think about a week.. but not seeing her respond to the community lead account help sub forum on a daily basis actually made me worried.
need to know how a hacker and get passed my authenticator and bank pin not looking for what they stole back just would like this handled so it don't happen again absolutely no one has access to my account
need to know how a hacker and get passed my authenticator and bank pin not looking for what they stole back just would like this handled so it don't happen again absolutely no one has access to my account
Hi, if someone got past your authenticator, these are potential causes of the hijack:
- your account has a compromised Steam/social network login linked, which bypasses authenticator
- your device is infected by malware
- you are victim of a phishing scam (i.e fake client, pmod or giveaway scam)
If you have any more questions on this please consider using
Communit account help
Life is like a camera: Just
on what's important,
the good times,
from the negatives, and if things don't work out,
take another shot
Chief Elf
I remember one time before community helpers were an established and recognised team, Malua had gone on a holiday or a break for I think about a week.. but not seeing her respond to the community lead account help sub forum on a daily basis actually made me worried.
I'm aware of that time. I actually got in touch with her in-game to ensure that she was doing all right