I'm a chick and I have to agree with this <3 I love seeing the...Females...in game...That are very female.
I have collected over 50 cats in OSRS
I'm a chick and I have to agree with this <3 I love seeing the...Females...in game...That are very female.
^ This.
Case in point: Ariane's wallpaper. The one with the blue flame vortex thing.
And just Ariane in general. Her personality, aspirations, clothing choices...
There aren't nearly as many hot guys in RuneScape. It's a serious problem.
Moia (particularly the Battle of Lumbridge Version).
Occultist (PoP) - She flirts with the player from time to time. (She actually has dialogue where she says she wants to dip the player in honey and nibble on them 0_0)
I have to agree with this thread though. Korisai and Jessika in particular.