these are the numbers im seeing so far converting the approx values into what they would've been worth if they had bought bonds instead and sold for atleast 28m each.
the values are based on the original value of keys, no bonus offers or discounts.
so far the numbers im seeing posted are: keys used - how much gp they would've gotten if they bought bonds and sold at 28m each. IRL compaison
"close to 700" - ~ "close to 728,881,258gp"
875 keys - ~ 925,121,602gp
1,050 keys - ~ 1,057,350,500gp
1,650 keys - ~ 1,652,180,257gp
Keys used - how much it would cost if they bought bonds at 28m each and converted into keys. Gp comparison
Close to 700. - 1,306,667,000gp
875 keys. - 1,633,333,000gp
1,050 keys. - 1,960,000,000gp
1,650 keys. - 3,080,000,000gp