if/when they remove max cash death cost will rise too because death cost is based on item value. so if fsoa is 5b then you pay 5m death costs, basicly nothing changed unless they cap the death cost at 2147 which i doubt they will do.
trusting certain pc lists or prices of items or websites that dont belong to jagex will get you into trouble notice: external websites and trades are your responsibility, dont get fooled!.
I'm a flipper <>< The merch 'game' has changed, so we have to adapt! There is more power given to buyers and holders than sellers. This'll cause items (in general) to increase, releasing more gold from the game via tax and, well, pricier consumables. A compounding effect! *clicks tongue* noice.
This is good and bad. Good because it has a scaling effect on sinking more gold from the game over time, bad because it encourages players to hold items hostage. If you buy something for 1000 and the sell price is 980, 'some of us' will put it up for 1020 to negate the cost. Or take the 2% convenience cost, but imagine we're stingy. Now, 1020 becomes the mid price: you buy it for 1020 but have to sell it for 1040 to make back what you spent. Yada yada, you get the idea, price goes up over time. This will play into item hoarding, which might become an issue in the future (combined with people 'quitting' the game with all their hoarded items). Knocking it back 1% might help (in the future I mean) but right now I think it's wise that they went with 2% for the wriggle-room. But yeah, lotta variables, so who knows.
As for death costs of 5b items (for example), imagine if the 'rate' was the old rate, that'd be a hefty price to pay, eh! But yeah, lifting max cash will increase death tax for people using those super shiny items. I doubt they'll cap it, if you can afford the item then you can afford the same percentage everyone else has to pay for theirs. It's all relative.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.
03-Feb-2023 14:52:20
- Last edited on
03-Feb-2023 16:43:37
The impact is margins increase. Fewer offers in the ge means more instability over short periods of time.
Everything tends to balance, but merchants tend to reduce margins. So, tax them, and you have fewer offers in, more people instabuy/instasell.
I cannot for the life of me manage to catch Covid. Perhaps it's because I didn't get vaxxed? The travails of those lacking immunity.
I know i can't talk cos at one time i was one of the players who basically only played to make his bank bigger and i don't care who you are or how much you wanna bullshit me with how your wealth was forgot about as soon as you logged out lol.
And to get this into perspective, i'm talking about the days when we had a few max stacks banked and only a couple of phats banked and your total wealth was maybe 100b and that was a lot.
I myself had that sort of wealth and i won't lie, it did worry me a bit after logging out at times weather i'd log back in to what i had when i logged out lol, nothing to do with my own personal security, correct me if i'm wrong but at the time there seemed to be a spate of random hijacks which always resulted in Jagex blaming the player.
Back to the topic in hand, i just can't comprehend the feelings of these new age rich guys and how they can sleep at night because the wealth i 1st spoke about is nothing to what we are seeing these days and i can only wonder, just how rich do these guys wanna get, it's crazy.
Much love
Scouse - Happy to be poor.
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
im getting 120 thieving and 120 crafting.
trusting certain pc lists or prices of items or websites that dont belong to jagex will get you into trouble notice: external websites and trades are your responsibility, dont get fooled!.
i think the avarage gp/h depends on ur rng at this piont since rare drops are the only way to cover the upkeep costs of taxes and gear/supplies, especially for high end bosses. for lower bosses kills per hour are more important to get to the drop rate of good items.
trusting certain pc lists or prices of items or websites that dont belong to jagex will get you into trouble notice: external websites and trades are your responsibility, dont get fooled!.