The Forum Moderators work hard to ensure that threads like these are well managed and remain useful to those who depend on them.
It goes without saying that spamming and derailing this thread will not be tolerated, nor shall it go unpunished. Any such posts will be removed and the F-Mods will be applying mutes to accounts to ensure the integrity and usefulness of this thread, other threads, and our wider community space as a whole.
Stronger action still will be applied by the J-Mod team if needed.
Steel_M0nkey, Torvaxt, ShelbyGT5OO, S 1 M O N, Sprinic, MackDreDay, Chickster, Sammerzeit , Count Lol2.....
You've been removed from the forums while Jagex look into your posts. If you're using alts that will be checked too.
Lap Hog, Torvaxt, Dead Center2, your offensive signatures have been removed.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?