Current Rare Prices
Easter Egg: 1,415-1,549
Pumpkin: 1,762-1,950
Christmas Scythe: 2,375-2,500
Red Santa Hat: 3,000-3,400
Disk of Returning: 4,800-6,000
Holly Wreath: 9,000-10,000
Black Santa Hat: 17,000-17,800
Yellow Partyhat: 27,000-30,250
Green Partyhat: 30,500-33,750
Purple Partyhat: 30,500-35,000
Red Partyhat: 39,900-43,500
White Partyhat: 56,900-63,000
Blue Partyhat: 61,000-73,000
Half Full Wine Jug last known price 17b, 16 weeks ago.
The Christmas Cracker does not have a price range as this item is not for sale for all practical purposes.
These are price ranges
that are from the most recently reported trades and based on verified transactions that occurred within the last couple days. Also, prices are compiled off Suity Bot, Ely Bot, forums, and prices in-game.
Do not go off just the previous trade you see. Remember, these items have price ranges and not specific price tags.
Use common sense and keep in mind these items can change in price from week to week.
Be aware of some people's intentions when they post trades, and be conscientious of any outliers, both high and low, you see.
Reminder: If you have made any trades within the last 72 hours, please post them so that this compilation can be as accurate as possible! If a trade is not a
it did not happen!