Lets be realistic people, a 120 in a few months for any skill is "hard". Realistically the tokens will be scarce. They will certainly be bought up quickly to highest bidders. How many players are really going to grind one if not more than one 120 skill in just a few months? I guarantee the number to be very small. The slowest grindiest labor intensive capes will fetch the most absurd prices.
1. new economy makes things harder
2. regardless if the tokens can be obtained later it wont affect the price of highly rare labor capes.
Upwards of 3x experience per skill will make it easier. Albeit, it'll still be a grind.
a bit off topic but is there a way to see the number of players playing in the fsw game mode?
trusting certain pc lists or prices of items or websites that dont belong to jagex will get you into trouble notice: external websites and trades are your responsibility, dont get fooled!.
I think the 120s will naturally be the most valuable, and will be significantly more valuable than the 99 capes. I also think as others mentioned, the combat capes will be significantly cheaper due to how easy it seems to be to farm these stats at ED3.
Does anyone have any actual info on capes either bought or sold? Surely
people must have gotten 99s/120s and converted their accounts to sell them.
I think the 120s will naturally be the most valuable, and will be significantly more valuable than the 99 capes. I also think as others mentioned, the combat capes will be significantly cheaper due to how easy it seems to be to farm these stats at ED3.
Theres also the fact that theres no retro version of 99 capes thus that'll affect the prices somewhat.
Does anyone have any actual info on capes either bought or sold? Surely
people must have gotten 99s/120s and converted their accounts to sell them.
Wondering as well. Ppl are selling and buying them but no one wants to give any details like their street price.