- Rarity of Second-Age items was revealed by Jagex -
"Super mega rare drop table (this contains the illusive second age drops)
Should you reach this table you'll have a 6/300 chance of getting any second age piece.
For specifics...
1/300 to roll on the second age melee table
Then you have a 1/3 chance of the following item:
Second age melee helm (1/523,908)
Second age melee body (1/523,908)
Second age melee legs (1/523,908)
1/300 to roll on the second age magic table
Then you have a 1/3 chance of the following item:
Second age magic helm (1/523,908)
Second age magic body (1/523,908)
Second age magic legs (1/523,908)
1/300 to roll on the second age range table
Then you have a 1/3 chance of the following item:
Second age ranged helm (1/523,908)
Second age ranged body (1/523,908)
Second age ranged legs (1/523,908)
1/300 to be given a second age sword (1/174,636)
1/300 to be given a second age staff (1/174,636)
1/300 to be given a second age bow (1/174,636)
Should you fail on the 6/300 second age drop you'll have a 195/300 chance of rolling for a master reroll token (1/922)
Should that fail, you'll be given 500k coins. (1/1,746)"
source: www.runescape.com/master-clue-rates
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