

Quick find code: 16-17-919-66178473

Dec Member 2011


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I've been a mod in a peng fc and cc for years and it looks to me from the stream that it's about to be obliterated. I think the harmed ore fc diminished a bit after the mining and smithing rework so I wanted to get in early as it looks like like in game communities and team play content are slowly being eroded.

I tried looking for a discord subtitle but couldn't find 1 so I'll ask my questions here:
-How does the zapping work? Does it have a cooldown?
-Does chuck get a graphical rework either in the well or the zoo?
-How does the back to the freezer quest reward change? it used to up the rewards from all pengs and add an extra peng.
-Do the spawns change and are there any new areas for spawns?
-Do pengs still reset if stationery for x time and how does that work with the zapper?

For me everything announced suggests this is now a solo activity I'm assuming that nobody will use the fc for the original 10 pengs after they have the scanner and that the zapper would make it implausible to trap pengs. People also suggested moving all pets to the interface would make it harder anyway. In terms of trying to keep the fc/cc alive I feel the ghost and maybe the freezer peng would be the only opportunity to do it.

So say that the freezer peng acted the same as ghost and ghost stays as it is now but the scanner and zapper have no affect on them with chuck giving no hints or much wider hints. Although I also feel that they would need to instance across worlds which I don't know if it's possible, otherwise people world hop. And then you only attach the casket chance to those pengs. That maybe and it is only a maybe be enough to keep people using the fc.

When ghost was 32 spawns with no chuck hints people suggested it wasn't worth it to spy, or they'd use world hopping which took the community aspect away. The ghost with chuck hints made it seem less difficult and people stuck with the teamplay aspect despite there being a solo method. Which is why I suggested the above. Cont..

01-Sep-2020 20:39:50

Dec Member 2011


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So I was trying to find balance between it being rewarding and easy enough to have a team play aspect but not so easy as to make soloing preferable.

I felt pengs were in a good place I always enjoyed playing minigames in runescape and I had to stop due to a lack of players getting involved in them. The playing experience with minigames becomes very different when there isn't a revolving door of players to team with. The penguin D&D in terms of trapping was one of the few bits of content that still gave that style of gameplay and community.

I feel the upcoming changes will make that go away by making it to easy. I also see the danger of making content so easy it becomes boring to play, for me dungeoneering monsters need a buff as the content in it's current form makes a lot of the gameplay irrelevant and it's too boring to want to do, for me the story mode of elite dungeons post nerf and the way it was nerfed also makes it pointless to play, before it was akin to a practice mode and enough danger that it was still interesting but doing a nerf to the damage and especially removing mechanics of monsters rathe than just adding safe death made me stop playing it entirely while still being 2 books short.

Anyway pengs is one of my main reasons for being on the game because of the other players around it and I fear the upcoming update will kill that off.
Would love to see some feedback from Jmods.

01-Sep-2020 20:48:01 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2020 20:48:22 by Armodilo

Canada Grrl
Jun Member 2008

Canada Grrl

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I too was scratching my head a bit while watching the livestream, wondering what were the motivations behind these changes. Mod Osbourne said they wanted to increase the number of players penguin hunting, OK great.

However adding two new penguins, one which seems almost impossible to find, is that really enough of an incentive to do the D&D? Will two extra points and a casket suddenly bring the masses back to Penguin hunting? I doubt it but let’s see.

A new pet and some titles, cool. Not going to bring new hunters to the activity once those are obtained though.

The hints are better, less ambiguous, Great news! But who really uses the hint process to find a penguin? Random hunters? Hardly. It’s mainly used by those dedicated to finding the ghost penguin, and even those can be counted in small numbers. Besides, hints have been an option to spy a penguin for many years now. How many players do it that way? Will hunters suddenly think, "hey let's spy penguins again since we can get better clues"? I don't think so.

Even on the livestream when the Jmod got the clue “somewhere in Misthalin” he skipped it as he knew that one would take ages to find, even with the scan option! (plus they didn't even know where "banana smugglers dwell was&quot ;) . So what random hunter is going to use the hint feature, even with better clues? They hardly now. Not to mention, why bother if the penguins are trapped on one world anyway and widely advertised across social media? Why would you use the hints?

We can scan for a penguin now, awesome, but you still have to know where to go to start scanning. It will be handy if you are already in the area it is known and just can’t see it immediately (think McGrubor’s Woods). I don’t think this will suddenly incentivize hordes to return to penguins though.


02-Sep-2020 08:15:27 - Last edited on 02-Sep-2020 08:21:35 by Canada Grrl

Canada Grrl
Jun Member 2008

Canada Grrl

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You can zap a penguin to freeze for a bit. Yay? This will be handy when the peng is getting away from you or being moved, certainly. But if a peng is in a trap already, not much use for it. Again, is this feature going to make a player think, “yeah, now is the time to start spying penguins!”. Probably not.

Ultimately, I have faith in the inherent laziness of humans. ;) Players are not suddenly going to start doing something when there is an easier and more efficient way to do that thing. It’s easier and more efficient to use the penguin fc or the website or the thread or Reddit to find the trapped penguins. Can you find them yourself using clues and scanning, sure you can, enjoy it. But truly, like I said above, how many players are going to do that? Or start doing that if they haven’t before? I doubt many.

I can only see a huge increase in hunters if the xp reward has doubled, which from the livestream it might mean it has, if we buy small lamps at 1 pt each. That would be more than double what we get now as a reward of level x 40 x points. That is an incentive to hunt. Even if hunters increase, they will still want to hunt efficiently and with least effort.

I don’t see a huge drop in players working together to find and spy the penguins. Those that religiously do it weekly I believe, will still continue to, even after the novelty of scanning and such wears off. Again, the ease of having all the pengs in one spot to walk up to and spy is too good to ignore for players. Would you rather have to spend the time working out where a peng is and finding it, or just ask, “where is Zan?” and be told its south of the bank in the OWB?


02-Sep-2020 08:17:34

Canada Grrl
Jun Member 2008

Canada Grrl

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Things are going to be a little crazy in the first two months of this release because of the early bird and the comp req’s as well the fact that on Sept 30th the limitations on Arch are lifted. Penguin points will be a nice boost at that point so players will want to hunt for that reason also (that is where my points will be going!). So don’t worry Armo, there will be lots for you to still do. (Be sure to be at the meeting, we’ll have a lot to discuss and an Action Plan ;) .).

Nevertheless, we will have to see over the coming months how these changes affect penguin spying as a whole. Maybe we will see a lot more players, maybe we will have more people doing it solo. The penguins will still need to be trapped though, so I have complete faith that will still happen for some time to come.

What I really want to know though is ... who made that model for the toadstool disguise!?!? It’s horrible! Even the Jmod moderating the livestream (who had no clue about anything about penguins) called it “the wizard penguin”. These new models are going to mess with the lore I think and quests where we see other pengs.

02-Sep-2020 08:17:49 - Last edited on 02-Sep-2020 08:20:32 by Canada Grrl

Vengeance of
Mar Member 2018

Vengeance of

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The main points of the new Hint feature is that a) you get to focus onto a specific spy instead of a random penguin that you're yet to find, and b) you don't need to do it directly from Larry/Chuck anymore meaning you can get updates mid-hunt. It should make getting into Penguin hunting significantly less daunting for newbies and those who don't use FCs, but I don't think it's going to shake up what us experienced players already do that much.

I don't think Scanning or Zapping is going to be too big of a deal. Scanning has about the same range as the scans from Clue Scrolls, which means that by the time they're in range you'd probably already be hearing them. It'll make them easier to actually see when they're right next to you, especially in places where they kind of blend into the background (and I'm sure the deaf/hard-of-hearing in our community are going to get a lot of use from it), but in terms of actually tracking Penguins down in the field it's not going to be that major. It also apparently doesn't track Ghosts.

Zapping will be nice for groups of friends and such but I highly doubt it's going to replace the trapping that the Penguin hunting organizations already do.

02-Sep-2020 08:34:53

Dec Member 2011


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I'd still feel more comfortable without the scanner making it into game, that's the thing I see as having the biggest potential to change it from a group activity to a solo 1.

chuck scan chuck scan vs trap trap trap is a fairly negligible difference for time to spy, so anyone just wanting peng points probably isn't that bothered between the 2 methods. But the first is a solo activity and if everyone decides to go down that route then the minigame group activity of herding/trapping may disappear entirely.

The zapper really depends on time affected and cooldown as to whether it's a troll device or a trapping aid so I'd wait to see that in game.

Without the scanner the gameplay stays the same but with addition of QoL and graphical update.

02-Sep-2020 08:52:52

Dec Member 2011


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Daibhi said :
Is this another case of Jagex neglecting their own official forum/website and treating it like it doesn't exist? Because I don't have a clue what any of you are talking about.

The tuesday twitch livestream outlined an update for the 14th doing a rework for the penguin D&D.

02-Sep-2020 15:48:54

Quick find code: 16-17-919-66178473 Back to Top