my quess is people are mad because they hyped it as a core game update.
and its just a different daily grind of FOMO.
Jagex should have just said we changing yaktrack.
Im a premier member and I hope we get to claim rewards, and not just get em after
completing a task, so I can choose to not get any of this rewards .
Also Jagex thought this is want the playerbase wanted because they annouched this well before we are gonna renew our premier memberships. If they had any doubt about this update they would have put it in next year, after most of the playerbase gotten their Premier membership.
It just shows what a gab there is between what ''we the players'' want and what Jagex thinks the player base wants.
Also i think if they need to make more money, they should just up the membership, and not FOMO us into spending more to play the game.
I dont like a game tell me what to do for 3 months day in day out , i do realize ''daily challenges'' tell me what to do but they take about 5 minutes to complete.
That is nice and short, this also helps people who only have time for dailys and play more in the weekends.
So i wasnt expecting a all 120s combat skills annoucement.
I was like maybe, a new way of ingame chat, like /falador or /fort forinthry so we can see chat from a whole area and be more social.
Or maybe batch 2 for Necromancy, the 4th conjure?
Or maybe an update to the Tick system, that sounds like a core game mechanic.
Or maybe a new area with a new quest-line
or maybe a major revamp of mini game(s)
or ALT 1 addon got intergrated so its the same game for everyone.
or Avatar rework
or better support for AMD gpu's ( why did runescape got thrown of the known issues and never made it into the fixed issues? )
or increased damage cap to 30k for the other combat skills. (not sure how this will work with melee cause of the other damage multipliers lengs special, chaos roar )
or sounds system so sounds cant stack and explode speakers(urns+dragons)
31-Aug-2023 12:47:37