I don't imagine gods are on the table for resurrection; they don't have afterlives and their "soul" seems to cease to exist upon their death. Quoted from Nomad's Elegy:
Original message details are unavailable.
Death: Bandos is gone forever now. As a god he has no afterlife, he has simply...gone.
Given that Death's one of the only sources of information we have on the afterlife (and is the one who reaps the souls of the dead), I think we can assume that his claim is accurate. So, presumably, that means no Guthix, no Bandos, no V; also, I don't remember where it was said, but I distinctly remember it being said at some point that Mahjarrat also don't have afterlives, so that would seem to rule out any of their dead as well (so no Lucien, Jhallan, etc.)
Though saying that, back during the Easter event this year, we *did* gather a massive number of manifestations of Guthix's energy into one place, and there's a tree that acts and looks kind of like him... could it be possible to create a new Guthix-like god with only a bunch of his energy and memories? It feels like a long shot to me, but who knows...
Speaking of Nomad's Elegy, I wonder if Xenia, Jessika/Korasi, and Hazelmere would answer the call to action one more time? Hazelmere apparently was more than willing to pass on, so maybe not him, but Xenia and Jessika/Korasi seemed to be willing to put it off until they were finished with their self-assigned duties in the aftermath of that quest.
14-Dec-2021 02:06:51