No no no and more no. This used to be a thing and it was terrible. Too many trolls that DTD'd Clawdia before people even had a chance to hit it once.
It works on nex so why not?
There are way too many of these in game. You rather have them thrown at nex and continue to crash the economy? anyone who uses them on clawdia is an idiot anyway lol.
By this logic we might as well make them usable on everything. It would make more sense imo to look at the source that brings way to many DTD into the game rather than looking for a way for people to "waste" them. If DTD are a problem that should be the issue that should be looked at. Not if a boss should be insta-killable or not.
no... That's not according to his logic.. Quite the opposite actually.
Plus Jagex doesn't give a fuck about DTD from where it is coming from. They use their copy paste text "We are aware of it, we can monitor it, we see the graphs..."
Hello Moto
13-Feb-2019 10:31:11
- Last edited on
13-Feb-2019 10:33:19