Isn't Infernal Cape similiar to Fight Cave? Isn't Tzhaar Front similar to Fight Cave? Why don't you see Tzhaar Front is derived from the very old Fight Cave minigame and not Inferno? There is no Inferno reference in Tzhaar Front whatsoever. Actually we know a lot more about Zuk, the shared NPC between RS3, OSRS and other Runescape franchise games later perhaps. If you have to cherry pick something, you picked the wrong cherry. RS3 evolved FIght Cave to Fight Klin in 2012 and OSRS Inferno came only in 2017. Essentially Infernal was inspired by RS3 Fight Klin rather. We have Fight Cave and the revolutionalized Fight Klin in RS3, why do we need Inferno which was clearly inspired by them? That's also why Inferno doesn't make sense in RS3. Same story with Zeah, when we have already evolved and much better content than Zeah in RS3.
A myth is something we haven't seen. Zamorak is a myth in OSRS but in RS3 it is a living and breathing god in RS3 the World Guardian has defeated and banished. Lore and substantial in game content make a huge difference between how good a name NPC is, not where they come from.
Anachronia and Fossil Island definitely have very different content. In RS3, Anachronia has vastly different navigational and base camp mechanics the other places don't have. It also has minigames (or skilling bosses) or D&D like BGH nowhere else in all Runecape games. Fossil Island just has carbon copy of the same old same old from recycled content. That's why we don't need Fossil Island. That's also what the RS3 Jmods told us, when they made a new continent it would have to have very different content than the other continents, and Anachronia fit the bill but not Fossil Island.
27-Apr-2023 15:46:18
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27-Apr-2023 15:59:45