5th Front will be Vos and Zaros himself will most likely be the telos/nex type boss of that dungeon
Crown will have been the protection now imbued with Vos' shadow power and possibly better at locating the artefacts and empowering them with shadow anima also
With the staff and needle in Senntisten he may take from Kerapac in lore term, can she overpower Jas, Vos? I wonder
The groundwork has been there for another Elder for a long time, there is a blocked passage in Frenaskae's elder halls, meaning another egg was MEANT to be in there. Vos would have escaped the last great revision through Erebus from being outcasted by her sisters in a previous cycle and her nieces may not be powerful enough to hold her back this time.
Mah's egg was corrupted, it may have been Vos' doing. Intentional or not.
There is a rift on the perfect worlds which links that world to the abyss/Erebus, we got a glimpse of Gielinor's when Zaros opened it through the Codex but Freneskae has one, and it's possibly not defended/sealed hence the shadow power of many Mahjarrats.
Clearly Vos' power was toxic to her sisters and was the cause of many a failed world. Thus they made a decision like they would an obsolete artefact, the elders don't have feelings for sentient life, Jas clearly does for her sisters, she gave up her egg and still helped them in this war. The others' questionable, Wen turned a blind eye when she unleased the Arch-Glacor, knowing if not managed it could decimate Gielinor like Leng.
I don't believe the Stone of Jas is gone, I reckon it was found on Anachronia by Guthix and when Kerapac pulled it fresh from Jas' attack he pulled forward the life back in that day, the matriachs, the dinosaurs and Raksha. This would be before the first age when the dragonkin reacted to Jas' enslavement, the stone in their keeping on Anachronia
By pulling it out of time, I do believe the stone is lying dormant and unused somewhere under anachronia.
01-Mar-2022 12:22:27
- Last edited on
01-Mar-2022 12:42:00