I was thinking of starting two accounts for Fresh Start, one to bring back tradables early to make GP and a second to level and keep for capes, the legendary pet, and maybe a few pet skins.
I started an Alt several months ago, and it's only got one skill to 99.
How the **** am I going to get even one account maxed in 4 months at 1.5x exp rates while still having a life?
I wanted the 99 capes, maybe a few 120's.
But thanks to a number of jackass's complaining that doesn't seem very likely now.
If you didn't want to play just don't say anything and don't sign up. Very poor taste to screw it up for others.
It's very likely the people complaining weren't going to play anyway. So we have Jagex responding to a few vocal ********* and making the entire concept so much less attractive to even try. Thanks all you who complained, love ya.
25-Aug-2022 19:38:53