I've always disliked the skill so no 120 bump for the sake of stop being lazy and release a new skill... hell I support makin it a f2p skill because most poeple don't even like the skill.
Just something to consider... it's also slow for players at higher levels who make family, friends, their jobs, school, etc. a priority and may not have hours on end to play RS every single day, or play in spurts because they get tired of grinding and need a break. If you, in general, only had an hour or less a day to play RS, or only 2-3 hours on the weekend, it's not fast at all. In fact, those are some reasons why quite a few players who've played RS from the early days still aren't maxed outside of combat skills.
And so we have to adapt all content from now on based on people that can only play 1 hour a day? Sorry, but if you cannot or are unable to play more, that's 100% on them.
Hello Moto
Just something to consider... it's also slow for players at higher levels who make family, friends, their jobs, school, etc. a priority and may not have hours on end to play RS every single day, or play in spurts because they get tired of grinding and need a break. If you, in general, only had an hour or less a day to play RS, or only 2-3 hours on the weekend, it's not fast at all. In fact, those are some reasons why quite a few players who've played RS from the early days still aren't maxed outside of combat skills.
And so we have to adapt all content from now on based on people that can only play 1 hour a day? Sorry, but if you cannot or are unable to play more, that's 100% on them.
I dont think runescape is meant to be a game where you play 24/7 like some of you, just as they dont have to adapt for ones who play an hour a day they also dont need to cater to tryhards who play all the time.
Princess of World 98 =p~
What about the introduction of a new Elite skill? Sure that'd take considerably more time, more resources and would hold a place to have its introduction a major event in RS, but it'd be worth to diversify the environment in the game.
Invention brought plenty to the table, and has remained to be most resourceful 'asset' in whatever aspect a player is involved in the game; from skilling to PvM and stretching through PvP.
This will mark the first time a major MMO... or even almost any non-MMO game reverses its course of level expansion. The reason: to attract new players... to allow them to catch up.
I don't know if this ground shaking WoW news will affect the classic level expanding plan of other MMO games, particularly Jagex. We'll see...
Anyway, my feeling is even if a skill cap is expanded to 120, I think Jagex will also implement fast track leveling for that skill.
Wouldn't a skill level squish be a little difficult to implement in RS3?
They did kinda do that with mining/smithing.
On the other side, how much exactly do you squish?
WoW was constantly
levels. RS3 never really did that until the release of Dungeoneering, but that was the first ... thing ... to start with 120. The only time we had something jump from 99 to 120 was with Slayer.
Everything else in RS3 has actually been gradually filling in the gap between the highest current level and 99 (or 120).
Plus, in the last few years (excluding MTX) they've been doing things to remove some of the grind between levels by speeding up xp gains and improving QoL.
That said ... it still makes for a good argument against adding more 120s.
Summoning is my only level below 30m xp (*face plants*)
I do have a lot of charms mind you
All for it being a 120 it would make my have to go for it
Other QOL they'd need to do to make things ... better ...
Make stackable the following items:
Abyssal Charms
Obsidian Charms
Talon beast charms
Void Knight Charms