So again x 9000! You just took everything you don't like and criticized based on your own opinion and called them weird and makes no sense... while dissing the opinions of the others who like it (if you insist, I can show you like 100 comments on Reddit and other social media that appreciated the graphics update) WITH REASONS.
AFAIK, when we come to a form open to public players like RSOF and post, we are supposed to discuss the posts. The RSOF is for discussion of the topics, not a place solely for personal opinions.
That said, I can absolutely express and further elaborate on opinions why the graphical updates of the Varrock and Edgeville Dungeons are so logical and make perfect sense. Take the boat for example. It is clearly close to humans (both living and dead ones), and very far from the Moss Giants to the north. It is common sense moss giants don't make small boats. The boat is most likely make by the human to the right side of the river or the dead humans aka skeletons and zombies right next to them.
21-Nov-2023 19:11:02