I had some left over from last year and I didn't see a statement that they were going to remove them at the end of this year's event, so I saved a bunch so I would have some for next year for any new shop items.
Well, the event ended and the event stuff was removed, so I decided to log into the lobby and back into the game to reset my Daily Challenges, etc. and I got a message stating that all of my spooky tokens had been removed from my currency pouch.
Why were they removed this year, but left from last year? Does this mean any saved H'oddments will be removed as well? Why would I spend thousands of spooky tokens on useless stuff in the shop and not save them to be used next year when I will need them again?
This is really annoying. This is not the 1st time they have removed currency, progress, or other stuff from events, TH promotions, etc. without any warning and had no way to get it back the next time they brought it back, which required us to start all over again, which in turn made it really hard or in some cases impossible to complete or to get all rewards.
Why remove them from the currency pouch where they stayed for an entire year before?
07-Nov-2022 00:31:20