When I entered the fort there was a little chat head pop-up of the dude from Necromancy. He had some voice acted dialogue but my volume was too low to hear it. I think it was in the game chat but I was distracted by this item being deposited into my bank.
When I first read it, I thought I was about to get lvl 20 Necromancy for free. Seemed like a good deal.
Yes, some hidden content in different parts of the game, so it is not a coincidence.
I expect there will be some unannounced pre-lanch lore based content coming the next 2 weeks, similar to the unexpected visit of Zaros and the emergence of the Monolith before the launch of Archaeology.
I got a new message from the First Necromancer banking standing at the Varrock GE.
Hey! Rasial is everywhere. We should have an unannounced surprise in game event soon before August 7, similar to the visit of Zaros and Professor Tony's still unsolved mystery into the Elder Codex.
24-Jul-2023 17:38:52
- Last edited on
24-Jul-2023 17:57:18
Since the ectoplasmic residue has a level 20 requirement to use, it is extremely likely going to be a useful item in Necromancy, maybe something similar to the Infernal Puzzle Box.