Qwis7, I guess the santa sack is a festive activity--just had not had one yet from doing that, and I've done it every day.
Dilbert, I'm going to take my heart in my hand here and say with hopeful futility: read.
I only have two skills toggled, in order to force myself to finish them.
They are archaeology, and dungeoneering.
Let's say I get two dung, and one arch for my dailies; yes, it is a grind to do two more dung floors, far more than "10 more logs" etc. (and please don't segue off into a rhapsody on sinkholes. We've had that discussion before too, and yes, two of those would be a grind, as would two more shifting tombs. I mean, have at it justifying if you like, but no, you can't justify it for me.)
Two arch is easier if I get that, but still more time consuming than I desire, especially if I go excavate at 115+ digs for more xp instead of cheap out and go to a basic dig to crack off four easy artifacts.
If there is double xp, okay, good.
Does not change the FACT, as I said (now for the third time), that it is twice the work for one daily LETTER, which is a major incentive during this event.
Carry on.
08-Dec-2023 19:26:01